Ampere’s law and symmetry

Problem 3.231 from Irodov.

A current I flows along a lengthy straight wire, as shown in the figure below. From the point O the current spreads radially all over an infinite conducting plane perpendicular to the wire. Find the magnetic field above and below the plane.

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A wire carrying current to an infinite conducting plane. We indicate the radial current on the plane with a few lines, but there is current flowing along every point of the plane.


We will use this problem to demonstrate the use of Ampere’s law, starting with some simple scenarios. Our goal is to understand …

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Biot-Savart law on a polygon

A current I flows along a thin wire, shaped as a regular polygon with N sides, which can be inscribed intro a circle of radius R. Find the magnetic field at the center of the polygon. What happens if N is made very large?


The polygon described in the problem is illustrated in the figure below, for N=8. The magnetic field created by this structure is the superposition of fields from N straight current carrying wires of length 2 R \sin (\pi/N). Therefore, we will need to find the magnetic field due to a wire of finite length first.

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The Biot-Savart law gives the magnetic field …

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