Terminal velocity in a magnetic field

A copper connector of mass m slides down two smooth copper bars, set at an angle \alpha to the horizontal, due to gravity (see figure). At the top the bars are interconnected through a resistance R. The separation between the bars is \ell. The system is located in a uniform magnetic field of induction B, perpendicular to the plane in which the connector slides. The resistance of the bars, the connector and the sliding contacts, as well as the self-inductance of the loop are assumed to be negilible. If the connector is released from rest at t=0,

  1. Find the velocty v(t) of
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Electromagnetic induction in a twisted loop

JEE Advanced 2017 Paper 1, Question 5

A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to form two loops of area A and 2 A as shown in the figure. At the point of crossing the wires remain electrically insulated from each other. The entire loop lies in the plane (of the paper). A uniform magnetic field {\bf B} points into the plane of the paper. At t=0, the loop starts rotating about the common diameter as axis with a constant angular velocity \omega in the magnetic field. Which of the following options is/are correct?

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  1. The emf induced in the loop is proportional to the sum
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Coriolis effect and angular momentum

Imagine a mass m moving on the surface of a rotating sphere. For instance, the mass could be parcel of air moving away from a high pressure region in the Earth’s atmosphere. It experiences a Coriolis force which, in the example shown in the figure below, pushes it from its original trajectory (orange) to move eastward (blue). Why does this happen, and how do we understand it intuitively?

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Formally, the Coriolis force on m is given by

(1)   \begin{equation*}   {\bf F}_{\rm Coriolis} = - 2 m {\bf \Omega} \times {\bf v}_{\rm rot} ,  \end{equation*}

where {\bf \Omega} is the angular velocity of the rotating frame (Earth), and {\bf v}_{\rm rot} is the velocity of m as seen by an observer on the Earth’s …

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Missing energy in a rope and a capacitor

Consider a uniform rope of mass density \lambda coiled on a smooth horizontal table. One end is pulled straight up with a constant speed v_0 as shown.

  1. Find the force exerted on the end of the rope as function of the height y.
  2. Compare the power delivered to the rope with the rate of change of the rope’s mechanical energy.

(This is a problem from chapter 5 of Kleppner and Kolenkow)

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To find the force exerted at the top end, note that if we were to pull up a fixed mass with constant velocity v_0, the total force on the mass should …

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Mass on a semicircular block

A heavy particle of mass m is placed at the top of a semicircular block of radius R. Find the height at which the particle falls off, assuming (i) the block is fixed to the ground, and (ii) the block has a mass M and is free to move. Assume all surfaces are frictionless.

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Related problem: Sliding on a block with a circular cut.


(i) We first consider the case where the block is fixed to the ground. As the mass slides down the block, there are three forces acting on it: the weight mg, the centrifugal force m R \dot{\theta}^2, and …

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